The Association of Business Travellers provides Service, Travel Savings, Business and Travel Related Information for its members, by combining a traditional level of personal service and hotel/car hire reservations with the ease of on-line Internet access
The following is a list of hotels in the ABT hotel programme in the country listed below.
Hotels shown in colour below are in the ABT "SUPER SAVINGS PROGRAMME" and offer higher savings and benefits.
Should you want to stay at a hotel that is not listed on this page we can still make your reservation for you and ensure that you get the best rate available.
Russia - hotels
The following is a list of hotels in Russia. Should you require hotel accommodation, reservations or information contact ABT
Hotels in Russia
Russia - IDD: 7
Hotels shown in colour are in the ABT
and offer higher savings plus
other benefits to members.
MOSCOW Area Code: 495
Golden Apple Boutique Hotel*
11 Malaya Dmitrovka St.
Tel: 9807000 Fax: 9807001
Use ABT to book all your hotels for discounts and membership benefits